



It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also at home , in the children who feel as though they have only one parent. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also on the freeway, in the driver you cursed for moving too slowly. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also next door, in the neighbor you secretly wish had moved somewhere else. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also in the adjoining cubicle, in the coworker who is always talking about you behind your back. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also at your doorstep, in the smiling strangers asking if you𠐔e ever read the Bible. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am aldo on the street corner, in the filthy person mumbling to himself as he picks through the garbage. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also at the other end of the phone, in the friend who really needs some one to listen. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also at a country far away, in the family staring at the bombed-out ruins of what used to be their home. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also at the top of the corporate ladder, in the man people say has more money than I do. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but I am also sitting in that other pew, in the woman you never guess was desperately lonely. 

It is good that you are here, praying and worshiping, but do not forget that I am also there, awaiting your reverent service. 

(See MK9:2-10)
