Christmas  Homily  -  By Fr. Kimm

Babies are completely helpless.  To get what they want, they cry.  Of course, their crying is effective only if someone is willing to feed or comfort them.

The baby Jesus, fully human as well as fully divine, was also completely helpless.  While it may be hard for us to imagine him crying, I seriously doubt Mary and Joseph had many actual silent nights--or days--during Jesus' infancy.  Like his counterparts everywhere, the baby Jesus must have exercised his vocal cords, then waited to see if his crying would bring results.

In a way, Jesus, though heaven's King, is as helpless today as he was as an infant.  Night and day, he is crying out--but what good are his words if no one pays attention to them?  He wants peace but we must be the ones to hold back the armies with weapons poised for war.  He wants food for all but we must be the ones to fill the empty bowls in the hands of the hungry.  He wants an end to hatred but we must be the ones to let go of the bitter memories of the past.  He wants the recognition that every human person is worthy of respect but we must be the ones to put aside our fears and prejudices.  He wants faith in our hearts but we must be the ones to open them to his presence.

As we behold the image of the helpless infant Jesus, let us strain to hear the call of the Lord who is living among us.  He needed people then, and he needs us now.


Christmas, 2002

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