3rd Sunday in  Lent

-  By Fr. Kimm

If we looked up the word "foolish" in the dictionary, there'd be a picture of supposedly peaceful anti-war protesters physically attacking police.

But what about the thing they're protesting?  Is there any wisdom in the war we are now waging in Iraq?  I am no politician, diplomat, or soldier but it seems clear that Saddam Hussein is a menace that the world would be better off without.  All efforts to deal with him in other ways have failed, and even if we continued to try other strategies, it is doubtful that he would give up control of his country.  Perhaps our national leaders have made the wisest decision they could.

 However, let no one forget the words of St. Paul in our second reading: "the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom."  As wise as the decision to go to war may appear to us, it is an inescapable fact that is nothing more than a human decision, and as such, it is inherently flawed.  Regardless of the subject to which we may apply it, human wisdom is always deficient and always affected by sin.  What appears to be the wisest human decision, therefore, can still be very far from the mind of God.

 So let us sincerely support our troops and be grateful for the sacrifices that they are making on our behalf.  But let us also feel deep sorrow for our inability to find any path other than that of death and destruction.  Let us feel deep sorrow for once again relying on human wisdom rather than God's foolishness.

  See 1 Corinthians 1:22-25

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